
The Creator  

Hi!, My name is Afimie, I am 21 years old, Technology design and New Media student from Universiti Sains Malaysia. The main vision & purpose for me to develop this website is to help traveler regardless where they come from with bunch of informations that important for them. I hope that this website also make the relationship among people from all around the world regardless skin colours, religions, nationality, races, languages, cultures will be better and closer. This is result the world peace that humanity always wanted

About The Website   

Afimie.com is a website that provide all the important informations about famous tourist Spots all around the world. We aim and objective to help traveler with any necessities before starting they wonderful Journey. Informatios that been provided regarding tourist sports is languages spoken, current weathers, Hotels, do and don't, local restaurants. All these informations will able to help travellers that want spend their time in foreign places.